seguros para restaurantes y bares

Need for insurance for restaurants and bars

Spain is one of the countries in the world with the most bars and restaurants per person, we are a country focused on tourism and our social culture is very much about going out and socializing. What better way than in a bar, drinking and eating.

Why hire one of the insurances for restaurants and bars?

How could it be otherwise, it is an insurance that every employer must have. They are businesses that, due to their idiosyncrasies, have certain risks, since the flow of people who pass through them is much higher than other establishments, in addition to the hours they are quite extensive and perishable products are handled that can cause poisoning problems. We put all this in a cocktail shaker and it makes it a policy that the insurance companies dont like very much.

What can you do if you have a hostelry business? Well, advise yourself very well with a professional agent, I will be happy to do so. Keep in mind that depending on the autonomous community where you live, they will ask for a minimum amount of insurance, and locally if you have a terrace on a public road, you must have civil liability insurance for the terrace.

Protect yourself with insurance

Undoubtedly, experience, unfortunately after many claims, makes me know where to focus on the usual claims of this type of risk. I will highlight in other articles other more specific coverage of the activity, but we must start with the most basic, continent and content.

The continent, non-specialists always get involved with this, the continent is the empty place, with nothing. In this case we often find that the premises are for rent. We can find in some contracts, that the owner puts the obligation to take care of the insurance of the continent to the lessor. I’m not going to go in, but if so, keep an eye on the owners if something serious happens one day. We will talk about this in another article.

If so, we must put the amount that is currently worth replacing the value of the continent. If you do not put in your contract the obligation to insure the continent, you must insure your reform works. Please adjust in either of the two cases to value according to reality, because trying to lower the price of this item in case of loss is all problems and the company can apply an underinsurance and in case of loss it will pay less than what was agreed with the consequent problem for your business. Finally, the content, we must adjust to reality, and ensure what we have in the premises, think if you had a fire and the premises were left with nothing, what you need to return to activity. Kitchens, furniture, merchandise. Value all this and do not fall short.

We help you in contracting insurance for restaurants and bars

If you want to protect your business, you can do so by taking out one of our insurance policies for restaurants and bars

For any questions I will be happy to help you if you contact us.

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